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Accomplishments of the 2016 to 2019 WMUD Board of Commissioners

1) Sold outdated and unused equipment, and cleaned the debris off of the WMUD property.

2) Researched all property owned by WMUD and made of list of assets that is kept updated.

3) Hired an attorney, engineer and CPA to assist with WMUD's responsibilities.

4) Corrected billing errors and omissions within the billing system.

5) Established a policy for removing old water meters and installing new ones on a continuous basis.

6) Removed the numerous billing rates from the billing system and established one billing rate for all customers.

7) Set meters at locations where none were located in order to eliminate "flat rates."

8) Outsourced the billing and maintenance of WMUD's system to reduce costs and improve accuracy.

9) Established a filing system for the WMUD office and created customer files.

10) Managed accounting so that WMUD went from a deficit to having a surplus in its operating account in order to maintain and repair its facilities.

11) Paid all of WMUD's outstanding debts.

12) Went from having over 70 percent loss of unpaid water pumped to 30 percent or below (first time in the history of WMUD).

13) Established a Rules and Policies Procedures Manual that incorporates the Statutory obligations of public officials.

14) Established a rental procedure for the Community Center and appointed a Community Center Manager.

15) Replaced the doors at the Community Center that were broken, and replaced the old curtains in the Community Center and WMUD office with shutters.

16) Repaired the kitchen cabinets and purchased new chairs and tables for the Community Center.

17) Established a website with online customer payment ability and water outage/boil water notices as well as providing copies of the Board Minutes on the website.

18) Installed a diesel bypass pump at the lagoon to assist in moving wastewater through the sewer system.

19) Installed pumps and aerator at the lagoon to provide required aeration and sewer flow.

20) Installed a pump grinder station and related structures at the two lowest sites in Magnolia Heights to assist in eliminated backflow of sewage.

21) Established a list of rental properties serviced by WMUD.

22) Worked with WMUD's insurance company so that is coverage was not dropped.

23) Identified all manhole locations and replaced all missing manhole covers.

24) Continuous mapping of WMUD's existing sewer and water lines which has enabled WMUD to locate storm water drainage into the sewer system that accounts for large flow during heavy rains (which the Board plans to fix as soon as possible).

25) Purchased a sewer jetter trailer for less cost than what WMUD spent in one year to have a contractor blow out the sewer lines due to blockages.

26) Placed a natural gas generator at the well in order to provide service to WMUD customers in the event of a power outage (this elminates trying to borrow one from Madison County Emergency Management during power outages).

27) Purchased a SCADA system to monitor the water levels, etc., for the well and elevated storage tank.

28) Repaired the well located at Lep Childress Road/Livingston Vernon Road so that it can operate in rotation with the well located at Virlilia Road/Livingston Vernon Road instead of just being used as a "back up" well in an emergency.

29) Approved the purchase and installation of larger pumps at the lift station on Kearney Park Road/The Woodlands to assist with sewer flow.

30) Obtained an SRF Loan in order to repaint/revamp the elevated water tank and to replace the galvanized pipe existing within its water lines causing some customers to have brown water (primarily in the Magnolia Heights area).

31) Offered free location of cellular antennae on the elevated water tank in order to provide cellular reception for the residents of Kearney Park which is currently a "dead space" where cellular signals are not functional.