COMMUNITY CENTER POLICY - As the Community Center is part of the building where the West Madison Utility District office is located and is owned by West Madison Utility District, rental fees are charged for its use in order to provide upkeep for said Community Center.
Free of Charge Use for Community Center - It has been determined that only the following usages of the Community Center are allowed at no charge: voting, voter registration, health fair, Halloween Carnival for the Flora/Kearney Park area children, supper for the Madison Central football team sponsored by the Flora/Kearney Park area parents (Madison parents host the other dinners in Madison and this is the only one hosted by the Flora area), and use by the Flora/Kearney Park area residents in preparing baskets for the needy during the Christmas season. All other uses of the Community Center are to be charged unless an exception is made by the Board of Commissioners.
Other Uses - Due to the fact that the Citizens Service Agency uses the Community Center each day, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. until noon, this agency shall be charged a monthly fee to offset the expenses incurred by West Madison Utility District for utility fees and other related expenses.
Anyone wishing to use the Community Center shall be charged a minimum of $100.00 to offset cleaning fees and utility fees. This includes repasts. If an individual/organization is expected to use the Community Center for longer than two (2) hours, the fee collected shall be $100.00, plus $25.00 per hour for each hour of expected use over the initial two (2) hours.
West Madison Utility District’s Board of Commissioners will renew and revise, if necessary, these rental charges as they must be sufficient in amount to provide for the expense incurred by West Madison Utility District for utilities, insurance, maintenance on the facility and its equipment and labor.