Customer Complaints/Requests to Speak with Board

COMPLAINTS REGARDING SERVICE – Customers shall notify West Madison Utility District’s business office immediately if waterworks or wastewater services are unsatisfactory.  All complaints shall clearly define the point of delivery of service and the problems being experienced by the customer.  Verbal notification of unsatisfactory service should be confirmed, as soon as possible in writing. 

West Madison Utility District shall make a full and prompt investigation of all complaints and shall keep records of such complaints, which shall show the name and address of the complainant, the date and character of the complaint, the adjustment or disposal made thereof, and the date of such adjustment or disposal made thereof.  Complaints not resolved by West Madison Utility District’s representatives to the satisfaction of the customer shall be reported in writing by the customer to West Madison Utility District’s Board of Commissioners.

To be placed on the agenda regarding any issues pertaining to a customer’s sewer and/or water service, the customer must submit a request prior to the meeting date by either filling out a form available in the office, or by calling the office number at 601-879-9718, and providing the following information to the person answering the telephone:

  1. Name
  2. Address
  3. Reason for Wanting to Appear Before the Board